Peckham Rye House
The design reworks and extends the locally listed end of terrace home on a prominent corner close to Peckham Rye Station in the Holly Grove Conservation Area. Adding just 14m2 (6m2 downstairs, 8m2 upstairs), the proposals make as much of the property as possible by rationalising the ground floor layout and adding a new upstairs bathroom.
On the ground floor, a poor-quality extension housing a bathroom and kitchen is replaced with a modern, open-plan kitchen/living/dining space with timber-framed, side-hung doors that open to the garden. A new small WC and utility space has been added to the centre of the plan.
A first-floor extension adds a hard-working 8m2 of internal space, just enough to rearrange the layout to accommodate an upstairs bathroom between the two bedrooms.
A playful curved brick corner is introduced to the first-floor addition, helping soften its appearance while adding texture and character to the neighbourhood.
The pared-back material palette references the existing building while subtly distinguishing the extension as a later addition. All new external walls and the boundary wall use the same brown-grey brick to complement the existing London stock brick. Timber windows and patio doors bring warmth to the elevations.
Location: Peckham, London
Budget: Confidential
Type: Residential refurbishment
Timeline: 2023 - 2024
Status: Planning consent
Client: Confidential
Planning consultant: Andy Matthews Studio
Daylight and sunlight consultant: Right of Light Consulting
Arboriculturalist: Arboriclimb Consultants
Illustration: Gabriel Spera Visual
Image © Gabriel Spera Visual
Image © Gabriel Spera Visual
Existing ground floor plan
Proposed ground floor plan
Existing first floor plan
Proposed first floor plan
Site location plan